À propos

'The best speculative fiction currently being written' John Connolly. From the ground, we stand. From our ship, we live. By the stars, we hope. The incredible new novel by Becky Chambers, author of the beloved The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. #SpacebornFew Centuries after the last humans left Earth, the Exodus Fleet is a living relic, a place many are from but few outsiders have seen. Humanity has finally been accepted into the galactic community, but while this has opened doors for many, those who have not yet left for alien cities fear that their carefully cultivated way of life is under threat. Tessa chose to stay home when her brother Ashby left for the stars, but has to question that decision when her position in the Fleet is threatened. Kip, a reluctant young apprentice, itches for change but doesn't know where to find it. Sawyer, a lost and lonely newcomer, is just looking for a place to belong. And when a disaster rocks this already fragile community, those Exodans who still call the Fleet their home can no longer avoid the inescapable question: What is the purpose of a ship that has reached its destination? PRAISE 'Richly human, believable [and] compelling . . . underlain with a deep compassion and a feeling for community' 'Terrific. . . a masterly exploration of characterisation and diversity wrapped in intensity, heartbreak and tension.' Joanne Harris, author of Chocolat. 'An emotional, moving look at what it means to be human, and the importance of heritage and legacy' Lauren James, author of The Loneliest Girl in the Universe. 'Exactly what I hoped it would be and more . . . Moving in what feels like small personal ways but is actually big, universal ways and it is uplifting on the same scale' Forbidden Planet.

Rayons : Fantasy & Science-fiction > Science-fiction

  • Auteur(s)

    Becky Chambers

  • Éditeur


  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    368 Pages

  • Poids

    258 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Infos supplémentaires : Broché  

Becky Chambers

Je suis née et j'ai grandi en Californie.
Après avoir étudié les arts du spectacle, j'ai travaillé en tant qu'administratrice de compagnies de théâtre. En 2010 , j'ai fui le cirque et me suis lancée dans l'écriture à plein temps. Désor- mais je suis rédactrice technique dans la journée et j'écris la nuit.
J'ai vécu en Écosse et en Islande, mais je suis aujourd'hui retournée à mes racines, en Californie, où je vis avec mon époux. Lorsque je n'écris pas, on peut me voir jouer à des jeux, lire ou surfer sur Internet. L'espace est un de mes sujets de prédilection, j'en parle beaucoup.
