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Harry Potter Tome 2 : Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets
J. K. Rowling
- Sayzansha
- 8 Mai 2014
- 9784863892330
Harry Potter Tome 3 : Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban
J. K. Rowling
- Moonhak Soochup
- 19 Novembre 2019
- 9788983927767
Premier volume de Naruto, la série de manga créée par Masashi Kishimoto et adaptée à l'anime par Hayato Date, raconte l'histoire d'un ninja adolescent hyperactif, imprévisible et bruyant nommé Naruto Uzumaki, qui aspire à devenir Hokage, le plus haut grade ninja de son village, dans le but d'être reconnu comme quelqu'un d'important en son sein.
Au volume 46, Naruto s'est vendu à plus de 90 millions d'exemplaires, ce qui en fait la cinquième pochette à succès de l'histoire (2011).
Il s'agit de la version japonaise originale imprimée en japonais.
Il comprend des furiganas, ce qui facilite la lecture pour les étudiants japonais. -
Le deuxième tome de la série Naruto en version originale japonaise.
Five-year old Matilda longs for her parents to be good and loving and understanding, but they are none of these things. They are perfectly horrid to her. Matilda invents a game of punishing them each time they treat her badly and she soon discovers she has supernatural powers.
** Available for pre-order now **
From the author of the multimillion-copy bestseller Normal People, an exquisitely moving story about grief, love and family.
Aside from the fact that they are brothers, Peter and Ivan Koubek seem to have little in common.
Peter is a Dublin lawyer in his thirties - successful, competent and apparently unassailable. But in the wake of their father''s death, he''s medicating himself to sleep and struggling to manage his relationships with two very different women - his enduring first love Sylvia, and Naomi, a college student for whom life is one long joke.
Ivan is a twenty-two-year-old competitive chess player. He has always seen himself as socially awkward, a loner, the antithesis of his glib elder brother. Now, in the early weeks of his bereavement, Ivan meets Margaret, an older woman emerging from her own turbulent past, and their lives become rapidly and intensely intertwined.
For two grieving brothers and the people they love, this is a new interlude - a period of desire, despair and possibility - a chance to find out how much one life might hold inside itself without breaking. -
Première traduction arabe de l'ouvrage culte de Virginie Despentes King Kong Théorie.
« J'écris de chez les moches, pour les moches, les frigides, les mal baisées, les imbaisables, toutes les exclues du grand marché à la bonne meuf, aussi bien que pour les hommes qui n'ont pas envie d'être protecteurs, ceux qui voudraient l'être mais ne savent pas s'y prendre, ceux qui ne sont pas ambitieux, ni compétitifs, ni bien membrés. Parce que l'idéal de la femme blanche séduisante qu'on nous brandit tout le temps sous le nez, je crois bien qu'il n'existe pas. » -
First published in 1953, this is Bradbury's prophetic dystopian vision of a weird but too distant future where happiness is allocated on a four-walled TV screen, where individuals, eccentrics and scholars are outcasts of society and where books are burnt by a special task-force.
Si c'est un homme est considéré comme l'une des plus importantes oeuvres littéraires du vingtième siècle. C'est le récit bouleversant de la captivité de l'auteur dans le camp d'Auschwitz.
Primo Levi est né à Turin en Italie dans une famille juive de la moyenne bourgeoisie. Il s'inscrit à l'Université de Turin pour étudier la chimie juste avant que la loi fasciste raciale de 1938 interdit l'accès des Juifs aux universités. Primo Levi obtient son diplôme en été 1941 avec la plus haute mention, un an après l'entrée d'Italie dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale à coté de l'Allemagne. Levi décide de prendre le chemin des Alpes et rejoindre le mouvement partisan antifasciste, Giustizia e Libertà, mais il est arrêté en décembre 1943. Deux mois plus tard, Levi, âgé de 24 ans, est déporté à Auschwitz. Grâce à sa spécialité, au lieu d'être sélectionné pour les chambres à gaz, il a été envoyé au camp de travail forcé de Monowitz pour travailler dans l'un des laboratoires de l'IG Farben, entreprise qui produisait du caoutchouc synthétique pour la machine de guerre nazie. Après la libération d'Auschwitz par l'Armée rouge en Janvier 1945, Levi retourne à Turin. Il commence à travailler en tant que chimiste, et en 1947 il publie son premier livre, « Si c'est un homme ». Publié à l'origine dans une petite maison d'édition italienne, ce n'est que dix ans plus tard que ce livre devient mondialement reconnu comme un chef-d'oeuvre. -
Plongez en VO dans ce chef-d'oeuvre absolu. Pour vous aider, des traductions en marge vous permettront de bien comprendre le texte original. Ce texte en VO fait partie des chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature anglo-saxonne.
Niveau avancé -
Blue lock Tome 1
Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Yûsuke Nomura
- Kodansha International
- 16 Novembre 2018
- 9784065134009
The English language has no specific word for the parent that has lost a child. There exist words for orphan, widow and widower, but there is no word that captures and conveys this tragic type of loss.
It has been eleven years since Diane Foley''s son, the American journalist James Foley, was kidnapped in northern Syria, and nearly ten since that day in August 2014 when she would learn that he had been murdered by ISIS in a public beheading that would ricochet in video around the world. A whole decade. Time rushes past. And yet, for Diane, that moment is unending.
In American Mother, legendary author Colum McCann tells Diane''s story as she recalls the months of his captivity, the efforts made to bring him home and the days following his death, in which Diane came face to face with one of the men responsible for her son''s kidnapping and torture. A testament to the power of radical empathy and moral courage, American Mother takes us inside one woman''s extraordinary journey to find connection in a world torn asunder, and to fight for others as a way to keep her son''s memory alive.> -
Les carnets de l'apothicaire Tome 2
Itsuki Nanao, Nekokurage
- Square Enix
- 25 Septembre 2017
- 9784757556409
''Breahtaking'' Vogue ''So engrossing! Betty is a page-turning Appalachian coming-of-age story steeped in Cherokee history, told in undulating prose that settles right into you'' Naoise Dolan, Sunday Times bestselling author of Exciting Times ''I felt consumed by this book. I loved it, you will love it'' Daisy Johnson, Booker Prize shortlisted author of Everthing Under ''I loved Betty : I fell for its strong characters and was moved by the story it portrayed'' Fiona Mozley, Booker Prize shortlisted author of Elmet ''A girl comes of age against the knife.'' So begins the story of Betty Carpenter. Born in a bathtub in 1954 to a Cherokee father and white mother, Betty is the sixth of eight siblings. The world they inhabit is one of poverty and violence - both from outside the family and also, devastatingly, from within. When her family''s darkest secrets are brought to light, Betty has no choice but to reckon with the brutal history hiding in the hills, as well as the heart-wrenching cruelties and incredible characters she encounters in her rural town of Breathed, Ohio. Despite the hardship she faces, Betty is resilient. Her curiosity about the natural world, her fierce love for her sisters and her father''s brilliant stories are kindling for the fire of her own imagination, and in the face of all she bears witness to, Betty discovers an escape: she begins to write. A heartbreaking yet magical story, Betty is a punch-in-the-gut of a novel - full of the crushing cruelty of human nature and the redemptive power of words. ''Not a story you will soon forget'' Karen Joy Fowler, Booker Prize shortlisted author of We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves ''Shot through with moonshine, Bible verses, and folklore, Betty is about the cruelty we inflict on one another, the beauty we still manage to find, and the stories we tell in order to survive'' Eowyn Ivey, author of The Snow Child
SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2019 THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER THE NEW YORK TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER SELECTED AS BOOK OF THE YEAR BY BUZZFEED, THE DAILY TELEGRAPH , GUARDIAN , I PAPER, IRISH TIMES , REFINERY29 , SCOTSMAN, SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, TIME MAGAZINE, TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT , AND WASHINGTON POST From the Orange Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author of The Song of Achilles comes the powerful story of the mythological witch Circe, inspired by Homer's Odyssey Chosen as must-read book of 2018 by the Guardian , i , Mail on Sunday , Sunday Express and Stylist In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe has neither the look nor the voice of divinity, and is scorned and rejected by her kin. Increasingly isolated, she turns to mortals for companionship, leading her to discover a power forbidden to the gods: witchcraft.
When love drives Circe to cast a dark spell, wrathful Zeus banishes her to the remote island of Aiaia. There she learns to harness her occult craft, drawing strength from nature. But she will not always be alone; many are destined to pass through Circe's place of exile, entwining their fates with hers. The messenger god, Hermes. The craftsman, Daedalus. A ship bearing a golden fleece. And wily Odysseus, on his epic voyage home.
There is danger for a solitary woman in this world, and Circe's independence draws the wrath of men and gods alike. To protect what she holds dear, Circe must decide whether she belongs with the deities she is born from, or the mortals she has come to love.
Breathing life into the ancient world, Madeline Miller weaves an intoxicating tale of gods and heroes, magic and monsters, survival and transformation.
Les carnets de l'apothicaire Tome 3
Itsuki Nanao, Nekokurage
- Square Enix
- 25 Septembre 2017
- 9784757557949
From the award-winning author of 'Half of a Yellow Sun,' a powerful story of love, race and identity.